I ran 90k through Timor-Leste over five days in August with Tour de Trails and Mad Dog Adventures.

Think in miles? Read this report with imperial units.

Day 1

12k (+900m, -700m)

A couple of hours in the van to our starting point at Asumanu for a half day run to start the tour.

Setting off Selfie with local who smashed me both down and up to the river
Setting off (left) and a local who smashed me down to the river ... and back up again (right)

First segment was some incredibly steep single track descent of 500m down to a river, then back up again. Weather: hot.

Group shot Another group shot
Selfie at the guest house Sunset

Visited an old encampment of some Australian soldiers from world war II, and a secret cellar used by the resistance. Camped in tents outside a guest house in Fatubessi.

View from the church in Fatubessi Tents
Lunch Dinner
Rice, beans, and greens. Lunch (left) and dinner (right).

Day 2

27k (+1,000m, -1,500m)

Longest day of the trip, and another hot one, from Fatubessi to Datu Rua. Long descent to a wider river fording and a coconut break. Beau subsequently schooled me on the sharp 4k climb to the finish. Another night in tents in a local family’s backyard.

Fresh coconut at the river Selfie with view
Hanging out in the evening Residence

Day 3

13k (+1,100m, -530m)

Most runnable day yet from Data Rua to Atsabe. Lot more fire trail. Went to see a waterfall after and spent a few hours there while Chris tried to recover his crashed drone. Had roadside cup noodles, most excellent. Weather starting to cool off as we get higher.

The group Running with Sam
Waiting for my noodles Waterfall

Day 4

26k (+2,060m, -1,390m)

Long climb up Mt Ramelau, the highest point on the island at 2,986m. Fast and fun descent to a guesthouse for the night. High enough that it actually got cold overnight.

Climbing near the start Halfway up with Sam
Panorama from the top
Selfie at the top Selfie at the bottom
Peak of Mt Ramelau (left) and the base (right)

Day 5

14k (+350m, -1,230m)

Final day running down from Hatobulico to Mota Dokomali, via an amazing waterwall. Lot of dirt road but some cheeky trail shortcuts kept it interesting.

Me Me again
Guide Finished!
Local guide who I could barely keep up with down trail (left), the crew at the finish (right)

Bonus Day


Back in the heat of Dili, got out early to run flat along the Dili waterfront to the base of the Christo Rei statue overlooking the bay. It was closed for construction, getting an upgrade in preparation for the Pope’s visit later in the year.

Christ Dili

End Note

This was my second trip with Tour de Trails and again they delivered on an amazing trip, in conjuction with Mad Dog Adventures. Thanks Chris and Sam for putting it on. It was a fun, social group, and they managed the logistics, differing paces, and dietaries with aplomb. They run tours in other fun places like the UK, Crete and Bali – if you are even a little bit curious check them out. Highly recommended.