- Rating
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- non-fiction
- Read
- 2022-11-30
- Pages
- 319
Decent habit discipline is the #1 thing that allows me to capitalise on my luck. I read Atomic Habits a few weeks ago. Great refresher, led to tweaks: crisper triggers, “get to” reframing, speaking out loud, and more.
I’m crisper about my triggers. New ones which have led to greater consistency: when I wash conditioner out of my hair, turn off the tap. When I go to open an app on my phone, open flashcard app instead (if not done for day.)
When I get to my desk, write my TODO list for the day. This was becoming inconsistent and needed a boost.
Noticed I hadn’t attached anything to “when I get home from work”. Don’t know what I actually want to put there, so currently it’s “pick a candidate habit and do that”. (Candidates include: rehab exercises, music practice, pull ups.)
I suspect “pick from options” is the most realistic candidate, because while “get home from work” is consistent the context varies wildly - are we going straight back out again? Am I home by myself?
Replacing “have to” with “get to”. Neat form of gratitude practice I wasn’t doing. Also useful in reacting to others: “tram broke down” / “what an opportunity, you got to walk!” Often gets a laugh and puts conversation on a positive track.
Announcing out loud. “We’re not going to walk back past Pie Thief, because I will 100% buy a pie I don’t need.” Return path doesn’t matter, purchase now very unlikely. (J, not helping: “…what about half a pie?”)
Some quotes that have stuck in my head but don’t yet have a clear link to a behavioural change:
Winners and losers have the same goals.
You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.
Never miss twice. [..] The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows. Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit.
People get so caught up in the fact that they have limits that they rarely exert the effort required to get close to them.
Professionals stick to the schedule; amateurs let life get in the way.
Anyway read the book, it’ll make you better.